Bitcoin. Up against the wall. Photo by Executium on Unsplash

How Government can Achieve Full Control of Bitcoin with Little Extra Computational Power Required

A Response to the Idea that “There Just is not Enough Computational Power in the World” to Overwhelm the Bitcoin Hash Rate

Davido Davido
10 min readOct 2, 2021


Edited March 23, 2022, Last Edited December 16, 2022

The following lines in a story by medium writer, Alberto Guerrero, inspired this reply. Here is the line written by Alberto Guerrero.

“To do a successful attack against the network lots of power and energy would be needed, meaning … even in the event of malicious attempt when money is not the motivation, there is just not enough computational power in the world to achieve this.” Alberto Guerrero, in ‘Does Bitcoin Make Any Sense At All?

That is a pleasant thought, Alberto! However, for the following reasons the Bitcoin network is far from invincible.

Turn the Bitcoin Network on Itself. Use Bitcoin’s Own Computational Power to



Davido Davido

Voluntarist, Agorist, not Pacifist. Don’t Tread on Anyone. Rely on Hard Assets, Hard Principles, and Hard People